
Monday, April 4, 2016

William Pike challenge award launch/ Rimu got dinner

William Pike Challenge Award


On Wednesday night the 16th of march my class all met William Pike. William Pike is a famous New Zealander. Mr Pike is the owner and producer of the W.P.C.A (William Pike Challenge Award). William is a living kiwi legend. He is a role model for NZ youth, and a great leader in the outdoor education.

In his early twenties he went on a walk with his mate James. They were climbing Mt Ruapehu and near the summit they decided to camp out at a little hut not to far away. They started dozing off.

Suddenly Mr Pike is trapped in rocks and can’t get out! James wakes up and goes to get help. Soon the medics arrive and find William unconscious but still breathing.

Later he is walking on one leg. And lives the life 9 cats. I hope he encourages you to live an amazing life full of adventure!

Here is me and some of my friends getting practicing our techniques.